Beyond the Light Outreach Project (BTLOP) is a local non-profit organized by the historic New Light Baptist Church to serve the under-served, under-represented citizens of Denver Heights and surrounding areas. The original goal was to assist those in need by providing
food and clothing. BTLOP’s effective date for Federal 501 (c) 3 status was April 17, 2015. Currently there are no paid staff. Ten board members, one Ex-Officio and thirteen core volunteers support the organization. The initial program BTLOP established were a food pantry and clothes closet. The food and clothing are distributed monthly. The food bank distributes groceries that provide balanced meals. BTLOP is supported by New Light Baptist Church, private donations and grants. In addition, BTLOP has partners with five Churches to provide monthly meals to unhoused/homeless citizens in the community. BTLOP serves nearly 4000 individuals annually.